healing safe space.

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I am here to help and support women who are going through life transitions, who are suffering from the human experience, who are soul-tired from our modern world using ancient healing methodologies and teachings, including Akashic records.

Hi there. I’m Cara.


I grew up as a very sensitive and tuned in child.  I was sensitive to my environment, sensitive to the energetics of those around me, and feeling like I was carrying the weight of the world because of it.  I used to think my vulnerability was a weakness and after years of working with patients, as an acupuncturist, I came to find that my vulnerability was my superpower.  I truly love helping others and easing the pain and suffering of the human experience.  I have found the Akashic records to be profoundly healing for me and others I have worked with.  This platform was a vision shown to me from the Akashic,  to help those looking for support, guidance, and to very simply, feel not so alone in unburdening the weight from their shoulders.  My hope and purpose in this creation is to help people live their life to the fullest, aligned with their soul desires. 

My formal education includes a Bachelor of Science in Health Studies and Gerontology.  Masters in Acupuncture and Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.  I have certifications in Yoga, TCM Herbs, Somatic Womb Healing, Aroma Point Mastery, Multiple Levels of Akashic Healing, and I have been blessed to have been able to travel the world studying.  

more about me